Owls are all the trend right now and can we blame them?! They're very cute.. I took this picture at our local thrift store when I went to look around one day.
It's for the Photo Inspiration for the February Card Challenge on Scrapbook.com.
I have a funny story that goes along with that day and that shop. My parents collect old things. For instance, we have an old corn sheller, 8 ft. white old shutters, an old typewriter, and a ton of canisters on shelves and that's just in our living room!
So, Mom is big on canisters, she has them from all over the place, so much so that she didn't realize my sister stole 4 of them, but that's a story for another day!
I saw a bread box at the shop that matched canisters she had... but, I didn't get it. I showed her the picture a couple days later and she was stunned I didn't get it! My Mom was going to that end of the valley but had an appointment first so my Dad told me go get it before she does! So, I went and got it and I told the guy "My Mom will probably be in here in about an hour... I was never here!" He said "Okay, I'll tell her a lady bought it earlier".. I said "No! A man.... a man with blonde hair, that way it rules all of us out!" lol. Dad gave it to Mom for Valentine's and she was VERY surprised!!
I downloaded the cute owl imagine from Paper Craft Connection. I don't use copics and I can't shade to save my life, but I tried with some colored pencils anyway!
I used Bo Bunny's "Basic Dots" and Basic Grey's "Hopscotch" for this card.
It's for the Photo Inspiration for the February Card Challenge on Scrapbook.com.
I have a funny story that goes along with that day and that shop. My parents collect old things. For instance, we have an old corn sheller, 8 ft. white old shutters, an old typewriter, and a ton of canisters on shelves and that's just in our living room!
So, Mom is big on canisters, she has them from all over the place, so much so that she didn't realize my sister stole 4 of them, but that's a story for another day!
I saw a bread box at the shop that matched canisters she had... but, I didn't get it. I showed her the picture a couple days later and she was stunned I didn't get it! My Mom was going to that end of the valley but had an appointment first so my Dad told me go get it before she does! So, I went and got it and I told the guy "My Mom will probably be in here in about an hour... I was never here!" He said "Okay, I'll tell her a lady bought it earlier".. I said "No! A man.... a man with blonde hair, that way it rules all of us out!" lol. Dad gave it to Mom for Valentine's and she was VERY surprised!!
I used Bo Bunny's "Basic Dots" and Basic Grey's "Hopscotch" for this card.
My niece wanted to make one too, well, really, she just wanted to color the owls but when I suggested she put it on a card she was all for it.
I let her use my "good paper" (I have a spot for the paper she can use and she knows she has to ask me first if she wants to use any in the "good" bag.), so she was very excited about that!
She put dog bone paper because she was making it for my dog, Scruffy. =]
I let her use my "good paper" (I have a spot for the paper she can use and she knows she has to ask me first if she wants to use any in the "good" bag.), so she was very excited about that!
She put dog bone paper because she was making it for my dog, Scruffy. =]

Love owls, have alot of owl figurines in my craft room, lol. Haven't really made many owl craft projects though except for this owl cell phone holder: http://rockpaperscissorscreate.blogspot.com/2011/07/owls-bows.html
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